StormC Support |
Developer area at the Amiga Inc. website: If you are interested in PowerPC programming, then the special Extended Hunk Format (EHF) should be worth a look PPC-EHF-Info The GoldED support site has moved: Recommanded C / C++ Books, most of them are in German. List |
STORM-SCREEN-MANAGER A complete example project for StormC and StormWizard with all sources In the last month many questions about using some extended features of the wizard.library, make scripts, localization etc. were sent to the Storm Mailing List. This project will hopefully answer most questions. It is not (!) a trivial example but a complete StormC and StormWizard project. It is a Public Screen Manager with a GUI (multi column listviews, localization, linked wizard file etc.) and using many AmigaOS features (commodity, REXX interface, public screen signaling). SSM should be copied to the WB-Startup. It can be accessed by pressing <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<s> Download Readme The fastest and shortest linker library for StormC The "stormamiga.lib" is a linker library for StormC. It replaces the linker libraries "amiga.lib", "storm020.lib", "math020.lib", "math881.lib", "math040.lib", "math060.lib" and the Startupcode "startup.o". For StormC version 3.x the following linkerlibraries are replaced "stormclibstartup020.lib", "stormcstartup020.lib" and "stormcsupport020.lib" too. Because it is written in assembler, programs linked with it become much smaller and faster than programms linked with the linker libs of StormC which are programed in C. Link to Cyberdyne Systems |
There is also a mailing list where you can discuss all Storm related themes. Please have a look at it if you need help or just want to talk to other programmers: Storm Mailing List |
When you want to get e-mail support for any Storm related product, then please use the
following e-mail address: |